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Exercise should be fun ( I know, crazy right?)


The holiday season is upon us. That means I hear people every day complaining "Ugh, I enjoyed pie with my family and now I need to do an extra class to make up for it" or "I have a party to go to, so I need an extra hour on the treadmill to be allowed to enjoy the food".

Please stop looking at exercise as punishment! Exercise should be fun! Celebrate the fact that you are able to exercise/move. It's a privilege that your body can run, lift weights, or dance. Stop exercising so you are "allowed" to eat. Exercise because you can, because it's social, because it makes you feel good.

I realize that people have a complicated relationship with food and their bodies. It's tough not to compare ourselves to what the media says we are supposed to look like. So here's what I would love for you to do: allow yourself to enjoy life and exercise because you can and you realize your body is awesome.

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